Financial Durable Powers of Attorney for Baby Boomers and Seniors Can Now Provide for Long Term Care Planning and Asset Protection

Financial Durable Powers of Attorney (Fin. DPA’s) for Baby Boomers and Seniors can provide for asset protection and government benefits planning. The language we use in Fin. DPA’s for long term care planning for baby boomers and seniors is very different from the language we see in the plain vanilla Fin. DPA’s which most people have.

Baby Boomers and seniors usually want to get our ducks in a row for possible qualification for Medi-Cal, which can help pay for our skilled nursing home stay if we run out of Medicare days. In addition, for wartime veterans, we want to get our ducks in a row for possible qualification for the VA Aid & Attendance Pension Benefit which can help pay for in home care and the cost of assisted living facilities. If we lose mental capacity, these extraordinary powers will allow your attorney in fact in your Fin. DPA, such as your spouse or child, to follow through with asset protection and government benefits planning according to your wishes.

The Uniform Statutory Form Power of Attorney that many people already have, does not contain the required language for asset protection. And, the majority of attorney created Fin. DPAs do not have this requisite language. As a result, if you become incapacitated and you do not have the requisite language in your Fin. DPA, your agent may be powerless to follow your wishes for asset protection.

For instance, we may want to transfer (transmute) the title of our home from the ill spouse to the well spouse, or to a child, during our lives, for asset protection purposes. For many of our clients, the home is their largest asset. Most of our clients want their home to ultimately transfer to their children without government liens attaching. They also want their children or heirs to receive the home with a full step up in basis when they die, so that there will be no capital gains to pay if the home is sold upon the death of the maker of the Fin. DPA.

Most Fin. DPAs do NOT have this specialized language which is required to accomplish these goals . In addition, for long term care planning, the language in the Fin. DPA is coordinated with the language in the revocable living trust, to provide additional options for asset protection. You should contact your elder law attorney for advice for long term care planning and to review your existing estate plan.

This information is not to be taken as legal advice, and you are encouraged to see your elder law attorney. At the Law Offices of Michael J. Young, at 1931 San Miguel Dr., Ste. 220, Walnut Creek, CA www.WalnutCreekElderLaw, 925-256-0298, we practice Elder Law and we help Baby Boomers, Seniors and families through their Elder Care Journey. We help families with long-term care planning, asset-protection plans, comprehensive estate planning, wills, trusts and powers of attorney. We also help Baby Boomers and families get their “Ducks in a Row” in order help them qualify for Medi-Cal and the VA Aid & Attendance Improved Pension benefit.