Practice Areas

Hospice Care in Walnut Creek, CA
Getting older or watching a loved one get older can be a joyous time that brings family and friends closer together. However, it can also be a confusing time for those who face planning challenges for their estate or their loved one’s long-term care.
At our elder law firm, we work with clients who want to help their loved one plan for the expected and the unexpected. Our attorney has more than 20 years of experience in estate planning and presenting solutions for hospice care in Walnut Creek, CA. Because of this extensive experience, he is able to determine the best legal actions to take and give advice on many of the more difficult areas of aging.

Comprehensive Elder Law Services
When you have a legal case or just want some advice, it’s important to turn to someone who is highly knowledgeable in that specific field. There are many areas of law, but our firm works solely in elder law. With such a specific focus, we understand the fine details of our clients’ cases and can give them more in-depth and accurate guidance.
While we do focus solely on elder law, we do handle many different types of cases. Schedule a consultation if you need to discuss any of the following:
- Estate Planning
- Probate & Trust Administration
- Medi-Cal Planning & Qualification
- Veteran’s Administration Benefits for Assisted Living
- Alzheimer’s Planning
- Hospice Care
- Long-Term Care Planning
- Planning for Preservation of Assets
- Elder Law Seminars
- Planning for whatever life has in store!
What is Elder Care?

Elder law isn’t just about sorting out hospice requirements—it involves planning for both the expected and the unexpected. For example, many people who will never need to go into long-term or hospice care do need estate planning services. Others may plan for Alzheimer’s care if they have a family history of dementia and Alzheimer’s or are showing early signs.
No matter what life throws your way, we want you to be prepared—and with our range of services, you can be. Call our office to schedule a consultation (925) 256-0298. We’ll work with you to determine what your concerns are and what the appropriate solutions are to address those concerns.

Contact us today to discuss any of our elder law services. We proudly represent clients from Walnut Creek, California, as well as the surrounding communities.