Medi-Cal Planning
Medi-Cal Planning & Qualification

Knowing When and How to Apply for Medi-Cal – Applying for Medi-Cal
Understanding the process of qualifying for Medi-Cal can be a trying ordeal. Medi-Cal rules and regulations are complex, tricky, and seemingly designed to frustrate the very individuals who Medi-Cal is designed to help. Click Here to read entire article.

Medi-Cal Resource Allowance for an Individual – $2,000
The current Resource Allowance for an individual for Medi-Cal qualification is $2,000. This limit has been in effect since 1989. The $2,000 limit however is for what Medi-Cal identifies as “non-exempt” property. Exempt property is not counted in determining eligibility. Only non-exempt property is counted. If the Medi-Cal applicant has more then $2,000 in non-exempt property, he or she will not be eligible unless the excess property is spent down, gifted or transferred to a spouse according to the Medi-Cal rules. Click Here to read entire article.
Medi-Cal Planning Reference Sheet

Medi-Cal financial information. See financial information for the Community Spouse Resource Allowance (CSRA), the Average Private Pay Rate (APPR) Divisor, the Minimum Monthly Maintenance Needs Allowance (MMMNA), the Resource Allowance for an Individual, and the Monthly Maintenance Needs Allowance. Click Here to view the Medi-Cal Planning Reference Sheet.