VA Benefits Planning

VA Benefits and Long Term Care in California
Are you a veteran? The Veteran Administration can be an excellent potential source of funds for long-term care (either at home or in an assisted living facility). Veteran’s benefits are available for a non- service connected disability.

Most VA benefits and pensions are based on a disability which was incurred during a veteran’s wartime service. There is another benefit, however – a pension program – available for individuals who are disabled due to the issues of old age, such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis, and other physical disabilities. For those veterans and widows (ers) who are eligible, these benefits can be a blessing for the disabled individual who is not yet ready for a nursing home.

Under this program, a veteran can receive a maximum of $1,801 per month in benefits and a widow or widower can receive up to $976 as a maximum benefit for A and A for the year 2007. The applicant must be determined to be “permanently and totally disabled.” The applicant does not need to be helpless – he/she need only show that he/she is in need of aid and attendance on a regular basis. Someone who is housebound or in an assisted living facility and over the age of 65 is presumed by the Veterans Administration to be in need of aid and attendance.