June 2020 Newsletter

Long-Term Care Provider COVID-19

COVID19 SafetyLet me first say that we hope all of you are doing well and are keeping safe. In light of the present health crisis, we are receiving an increasing number of calls every day from existing clients and new clients who want to know if we can help them NOW. The answer is YES we can!

It seems that the coronavirus has eliminated all of the typical reasons people use for not doing their estate plan, such as; it is a big decision, it will cost money, we have to meet with an attorney, etc. Many have thought about doing their estate plan; but haven’t completed the process. There are also those who may have an old estate plan that needs updating. In any case, many of our clients express relief after completing their plans with us, and feel better knowing that the responsibility of making crucial health and financial decisions will not become the burden of unprepared family members.

Estate Planning Walnut Creek Elder LawCOVID19 Funding Elder LawOur clients are particularly interested in our advanced estate planning, which includes regular estate planning for what happens when you die, plus asset protection and Medi-Cal planning for a potential nursing home stay. Medi-Cal is alive and well in California, and we are experienced in implementing the current regulations and requirements.

The following are some of the questions that will be addressed when we first meet with you:

  • Who will manage your finances and make financial and asset protection decisions for you?
  • Who will follow through with your health care decisions?
  • What are your goals to protect the estate for your children and heirs, and how can those goals be accomplished?
  • What kind of treatment and care is desired in the event of a terminal illness?
  • What is the preferred way to pay for long term care?
  • What kind of care is desired, now and in the future?

LTC Walnut Creek Elder LawAt this critical time, please feel free to contact our office for further discussion of any of these matters. (925) 256-0298 or LawYoung1@gmail.com.