Author Archives: Walnut Creek Elder Law

Dementia Stress

Maze abstract disturbed mind schizophrenia psychopath and mental health disorder

This time of year, can likewise create stress for your loved one whose anxiety levels seem to mirror your own. Unlike yourself, however, the dementia affects your loved one’s ability to express himself or herself clearly. Simple changes in routine can cause unexpected anxiety which increases with the inability to verbalize what they are feeling.

PD (Parkinson’s Disease) Progression

parkinson disease awareness background subtle yellow brown hues

The late stages of Parkinson’s disease are marked by a significant decline in physical and cognitive function. Patients may become severely limited in their mobility, requiring assistance with daily activities. Communication can also become impaired, making it difficult to express thoughts and needs. Additionally, the risk of complications, such as falls and pneumonia, increases significantly.

Senior Independence

Active senior citizen stretching outdoors in autumn

It’s important to note that there are costs associated with in-home care. These costs can be covered through personal funds, traditional long-term care insurance, or newer long-term care financial products. However, it’s crucial to assess whether your needs can be safely met at home with the available support system and financial resources.

Alzheimer’s Disease: Can You Still Create an Estate Plan?

Alzheimer awareness day, dementia diagnosis, Parkinson´s disease, memory loss disorder, brain with puzzle pieces, generative AI

If a doctor diagnoses you or a loved one with Alzheimer’s Disease, act quickly. As the disease progresses, it will become increasingly difficult for your loved one to make decisions and manage complex affairs.

Dementia Caregiving

Young carer walking with the elderly woman in the park

When a spouse is the primary caregiver for a person with dementia, the strain on the relationship can be particularly intense. It’s common for the well spouse to experience burnout and health problems. It’s essential for both spouses to discuss their needs and expectations and to seek help from family, friends, or professional caregivers.

Financial Communication: A Crucial Step for Aging Well

Budget, finance and senior couple with calculator planning financial investments, mortgage and tax papers. Elderly woman counting bills, debt and pension fund on bank statement with partner at home.

As we age, our health and independence may decline, necessitating various levels of care. This could range from in-home assistance to assisted living or nursing home care. These care options come with significant financial implications. Without a clear understanding of an individual’s financial situation, loved ones may find themselves in a stressful and overwhelming position when making critical decisions about care.

Fall Prevention: A Crucial Step for Independent Living

fall prevention dev

Living alone can be isolating for older adults, and this isolation can contribute to a decline in physical and mental health. A lack of social interaction can lead to decreased mobility, reduced balance, and a higher risk of falls. Additionally, without someone to assist with daily tasks like cooking and cleaning, the risk of accidents increases. A fall in an empty home can have devastating consequences. So, how can you pursue fall prevention techniques?