Category Archives: Probate

Avoid Probate: Tips & Tricks

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Trusts are a great way to avoid probate because the property held in a trust is not considered part of your estate upon your death. Why? Not you, but a trustee, controls the property and is tasked with distributing the contents under the terms of the trust agreement.

How to Start a California Probate

Court rules and requirements regarding probate procedure overwhelm people. However, probate courts often respond to these rules differently. Accordingly, the following information covers generalities about California probate. Please refrain from referring to them as a treatise. These guidelines offer an idea about what many probate courts require. Seek the advice of counsel before filing any […]

What is Probate Court?

Assets held in “Joint Tenancy” should not require a probate. For instance, the title can be held by two individuals “as joint tenants.”

Podcast: For a probate, information and documents Mr. Young will need to get started

For a probate, what information and documents will Mr. Young need to get started To start a probate, and in order to prepare for our first meeting, Mr. Young will need certain information and documents. Listen to this episode to get started.