Tag Archives: probate

Podcast: For a probate, information and documents Mr. Young will need to get started

For a probate, what information and documents will Mr. Young need to get started To start a probate, and in order to prepare for our first meeting, Mr. Young will need certain information and documents. Listen to this episode to get started.

Probates with Real Estate –

PROBATE is a court proceeding that is used to distribute your assets to your beneficiaries at the time of your death. Probates are complex, and require that numerous forms and regulations be followed, before the court will sign an order distributing your assets to your beneficiaries or heirs.  A probate with regard to your home and […]

Our Clients and Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s disease is a brain disorder, wherein certain nerve cells in the brain become impaired or die. These nerve cells, called “neurons” normally produce a chemical known as dopamine. This chemical allows for smooth, coordinated functions of the body’s muscles and movements. When a high percentage of the brain cells which produce dopamine are impaired, […]

Probate in California

Unlike many other States, probate in California is fairly complicated. If the estate is simple and no federal estate tax is due, the final order can theoretically be obtained within 9 months of the filing of the petition. The more likely scenario is that it can take 12 to 15 months to complete the probate […]