Tag Archives: estate planning

Helping Clients and Prospects During This Crazy Time!

Letter to My Clients

Let me first say that we hope all of you are doing well and keeping safe. Existing clients and prospects are calling, asking for help them NOW, in light of the present health crisis. Our answer is a resounding, “Yes we can!” Callers express their desire to complete estate planning documents as soon as possible. […]

Steps to Help Maintain Your Health and Safety

The following are some steps for our senior and (almost senior) clients to consider for healthy living. Prevent falls: My father’s advice to me just before he died was for me to advise all of my clients to not fall. Falls can be the beginning of the end for people. Walk more deliberately, use your […]

Probate Length

Probate statutory time frames must be adhered to, and apply to various aspects of the probate, including filing dates, publication and creditors’ claims. If there are creditors’ claims against the estate, the probate can take even longer in order to resolve the claims.

What Can The State Recover After I Die?

If you die after having been on Medi-Cal, the State will try to recover from your estate what they have paid out for your benefit. If there is nothing left in your estate, there is nothing for the State to take. If your home is still in your estate when you die, it could be subject […]

Problems With Do It Yourself Estate Planning:

“My husband has prepared our estate planning documents using downloaded forms from the internet. He now has dementia, and may need to go into a nursing home. Can you help us apply for Medi-Cal and protect our home and other assets?” This is an actual case, and the documents are a mess. The documents will […]