Tag Archives: parkinson’s disease

Medi-Cal Gifting Rules for a Single Person

Click the link below to find out about the Medi-Cal gifting rules for a single person.  Medi-Cal presently has a 30 month look-back period for gifting. The period of ineligibility starts when the gift is made. When the Deficit Reduction Act (DRA) rules are adopted in California, there will be a five year look back […]

VA Aid & Attendance 2013 Pension Benefit Amounts

The 2013 Maximum Aid & Attendance Pension Benefit Rates are set forth below. This is a wonderful benefit for older wartime veterans, which can help pay for the cost of in-home care, assisted living facilities and board and care. The benefit is “non service connected”, which means that qualification is not dependent upon a wartime injury. The veteran […]


VA BENEFITS MAY COVER THE COST OF AN ASSITED LIVING FACILITY OR IN HOME CARE www.WalnutCreekElderLaw.com. As we discussed in previous Elder Law Today newsletters, the Veteran’s Administration provides a wonderful pension benefit for those individuals who served at least one day during a period of wartime and are now disabled due to non-service connected […]

Our Clients and Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s disease is a brain disorder, wherein certain nerve cells in the brain become impaired or die. These nerve cells, called “neurons” normally produce a chemical known as dopamine. This chemical allows for smooth, coordinated functions of the body’s muscles and movements. When a high percentage of the brain cells which produce dopamine are impaired, […]