Tag Archives: Alzheimer’s Disease Walnut Creek

Medi-Cal Recovery Will Be Limited to Probate Estates after January 1, 2017

We have recently blogged about the new legislation Governor Brown signed, effective January 1, 2017, which changes the rules regarding recovery by the state for payments it has made to nursing homes for Medi-Cal recipients. Under the old law, the only way we could avoid recovery was to ensure that there was nothing in the […]

Medi-Cal Gifting Rules for a Single Person

Click the link below to find out about the Medi-Cal gifting rules for a single person.  Medi-Cal presently has a 30 month look-back period for gifting. The period of ineligibility starts when the gift is made. When the Deficit Reduction Act (DRA) rules are adopted in California, there will be a five year look back […]