Most of our clients make it well known in their long term care plans, that if they become ill, they wish to be taken care of at home for as long as possible. My parents made a pact with each other that if either of them had to go to “rehab” as my mother called it, which […]
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Protect Your Home From a Medi-Cal Lien With a Reserved Life Estate
Medi-Cal can pay for your stay in a skilled nursing facility if you qualify. Under the state’s regulations, your home can be confirmed as an exempt asset in the Medi-Cal application. This means that you can keep your home, if you are otherwise qualified, and still receive Medi-Cal. This is true whether you are single […]
aid and attendance, Alzheimer's Care, Alzheimer's Disease, Alzheimer's Medi-Cal, Antioch Attorney Senior, Antioch Senior Law, Brentwood Attorney Senior, Brentwood Elder Law Atorney, Brentwood Senior Law Attorney, Concord Elder Law Attorney, Concord Medi-Cal Attorney, elder law, Elder Law Attorney Contra Costa, elder law attorney Pleasant Hill, Elder Law Attorney Walnut Creek, Elder Law Estate Planning, Estate Planning in California, falling, Hospice Care, Medi-Cal attorney, Medi-Cal Attorney, Medi-Cal Attorney Concord, Medi-Cal Attorney Pleasant Hill CA, Medi-Cal Planning & Qualification, Nursing Home Attorney Walnut Creek, nursing homes, parkinson's disease, Pleasant Hill Elder Law Attorney, Probate & Trust Administration, Probate Attorney Contra Costa County, Qualification for VA Aid & Attendance, Senior Law Attorney, senior law contra costa, senior law walnut creek, Veteran's Benefits, walnut creek, Walnut Creek Elder Law, Walnut Creek Medi-Cal Qualification
It Is Difficult Being The Caregiver For Your Older Loved One
Many of our older clients are being taken care of by their spouse, or by one or more of their adult children or another family member. The older person of course appreciates the help, and the caregiver feels gratified in their role. The caregiver may also feel extremely guilty if they don not help. The […]
This is a common complaint we receive from clients. My own father, while he was in a nursing home during his late 80’s, would constantly complain about losing his dentures, which he called his “teeth”. He would complain that someone kept stealing his teeth. I would say, “Dad, no one wants to steal your teeth!” […]
Aid & Attendance Antioch, Aid & Attendance Brentwood, aid and attendance, Alzheimer's Care, Alzheimer's Care Antioch, Alzheimer's Disease, Alzheimer's Disease Antioch, Alzheimer's Medi-Cal, antioch, Antioch Attorney, Antioch Attorney Senior, Antioch Elder Law Attorney, Antioch Nursing Home Attorney, Antioch Nursing Homes, Antioch Senior Law, Antioch Senior Law Attorney, brentwood, Brentwood Attorney Senior, Brentwood CA Asset Protection Attorney, Brentwood Elder Law, Brentwood Elder Law Atorney, Brentwood Elder Law Attorney, Brentwood Nursing Home Attorney, Brentwood Senior Law Attorney, CA Attorney Asset Protection, california, concord, Concord Elder Law Attorney, Concord Medi-Cal Attorney, Concord Nursing Home Attorney, Concord Senior Law Attorney, Concord VA Attorney, contra costa county, Contra Costa Elder Law, Contra Costa Nursing Home Attorney, danville, Elder Abuse, elder law, Estate Planning in California, Hospice Care, Medi-Cal Planning & Qualification, nursing homes, Probate & Trust Administration, Veteran's Benefits, walnut creek
Scammers are consistently targeting older people. An older client of ours in Walnut Creek called us to ask how she could be taken to the airport so that she could give a courier $2,500 for a service fee. The service fee was apparently to ensure that she would receive $25,000 that she was told she […]
Congress passed the DRA (Deficit Reduction Act) on February 8, 2006. This act makes qualification for Medi-Cal benefits much more difficult. Congress mandated that the various states adopt the DRA into their rules, and Governor Schwarzenegger signed the DRA into law in California on September 27, 2008. We have been informed that the new DRA rules […]
My father spent some of his final months in a large assisted living facility. He was in his late 80’s, and was at times depressed and grouchy. Since the passing of my mother, he would not socialize easily, and would reject the entreaties of the resident ladies in the facility. He also would not participate […]
It is very important to know where your loved one’s papers are! We are always trying to accomplish elder care planning as early as possible, so that we can get all of our ducks in a row before memories fade. Last week we helped a family whose elderly mother needed long term care planning. The father had died almost two years earlier, […]
For Medi-Cal qualification for married couples, generally speaking, the ill spouse can only keep $2,000 in liquid assets, plus exempt assets such as the home and IRAs. In addition, the well spouse, also known as the community or at home spouse, can keep up to $113,640 in liquid assets, plus exempt assets. Any assets above […]
We have qualified many of our clients for the VA Aid & Attendance Pension benefit, (A&A) which is available for wartime veterans or their surviving spouses, as part of their long term care plans. This program can pay the veteran over $19,000 per year, or the surviving spouse of the veteran over $12,000 per year. […]