Category Archives: Dementia

Hoarding and Dementia: Navigating Tough Estate Planning Waters

hoarding a type of mental disorder. A bunch of unnecessary things in the room. Man collects garbage around him. Created with Generative AI technology.

Planning for the future of an aging loved one is always a delicate task. However, it becomes even more complex when facing two challenging realities: hoarding and dementia. This combination presents unique hurdles in managing their belongings and ensuring their well-being. However, with the right approach and guidance, families can navigate these challenging waters and […]

Stepping into Safety: Fall Prevention Tips for Older Adults

Businessman slipping and falling from a banana peel

As we age, the fear of falling becomes a prevalent concern. And with good reason. According to the CDC, one in four older adults experiences a fall each year, with consequences ranging from bruises to debilitating injuries. But the good news is, falls are not inevitable. By taking proactive steps, fall prevention tips can help […]

Is It Alzheimer’s or Multi-Infarct Dementia?

dementia alzheimer's MID

The diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease and MID can be challenging, as there is no single test that can definitively diagnose either condition. Doctors will typically use a combination of tests, including a physical exam, a neurological exam, and neuropsychological testing, to make a diagnosis.