Category Archives: Medi-Cal Attorney Pleasant Hill CA

Your Home Is Still An Exempt Asset for Medi-Cal Qualification

The home (principal residence) of a Medi-Cal applicant is still not counted as an asset for qualification for Medi-Cal if you take certain steps. In order to qualify the home as an exempt asset, the applicant must confirm in writing that he intends to return to his home after a stay in a nursing home. […]

Financial Durable Powers of Attorney for Baby Boomers and Seniors Can Now Provide for Long Term Care Planning and Asset Protection

Financial Durable Powers of Attorney (Fin. DPA’s) for Baby Boomers and Seniors can provide for asset protection and government benefits planning. The language we use in Fin. DPA’s for long term care planning for baby boomers and seniors is very different from the language we see in the plain vanilla Fin. DPA’s which most people […]

7 Practical Considerations To Take Into Account When Choosing an Assisted Living Facility

Here are 7 Practical Considerations to take into account when you are choosing an assisted living facility, either for yourself or a loved one. We have developed this list  after having first hand experience with assisted living facilities that my father lived in, and after having interacted with our clients regarding these issues over many […]


Many Baby Boomers and seniors are concerned about surviving their retirement years. Many have not been able to save adequately, have suffered losses in the stock market, and do not have pension funds sufficient to meet their future needs. Most are concerned about health care issues, and how their nursing home costs would be paid […]

Peace of Mind Now For Baby Boomers and Seniors Facing Retirement

A big issue now facing Baby Boomers and seniors is, surviving in retirement. We should have our “Ducks In A Row” now regarding health and financial issues, and there are many things we can do.  Most of our clients do not have long term care insurance to pay for a stay in a nursing home. […]

What Can The State Recover After I Die?

If you die after having been on Medi-Cal, the State will try to recover from your estate what they have paid out for your benefit. If there is nothing left in your estate, there is nothing for the State to take. If your home is still in your estate when you die, it could be subject […]

IRAs and Medi-Cal Qualification

The Medi-Cal applicant can have any amount of IRAs that are in his name, and still qualify for Medi-Cal. For instance, the applicant could have $200,000 or more in his name in IRAs, and still be eligible for Medi-Cal. IRAs and work related pension funds are also exempt from Medi-Cal qualification. The only requirement is […]

Medi-Cal and Life Insurance

An individual can have any amount of Term Life Insurance, and still qualify for Medi-Cal. Term life insurance has been defined as life insurance that pays a benefit in the event of the death of the insured. So if you have a life insurance policy that pays $10,000 upon your death to your son for instance, that […]

I Thought My Revocable Living Trust Protected My Assets from Medi-Cal

Many people who call our office are under the belief that because they have a revocable living trust, that their assets are exempt from Medi-Cal qualification. They also believe that their revocable living trust protects their assets from a Medi-Cal lien from recovery to the State after they die. Both notions are incorrect. When qualifying […]

My Dad Has Alzheimer’s and Should Not Be Driving

The troubling issue of how to keep a loved one who has Alzheimer’s from driving comes up often. The independence we all enjoy from driving a car is extraordinary, and most of us, including our parents, have been driving since we were teenagers. When confronted, our parents will be the first to lecture us, with […]