Category Archives: Walnut Creek Elder Law

Consider Naming a Professional Fiduciary In Your Estate Planning Documents

When we prepare our estate planning documents, such as the Revocable Living Trust and Financial Durable Powers of Attorney, we typically name our spouses and then our children as our fiduciaries if we cannot act for ourselves. It would seem that the most common reason that would cause a fiduciary to act is the loss of mental capacity of […]

No Look Back Period for VA Aid & Attendance

There will NOT be a look-back gifting penalty period for the VA Aid & Attendance Pension Benefit. On February 27, 2014, Senate Bill 1982, known as The Veterans Pension Protection Act, did not get the required votes to pass. One of the purposes of this bill, which also contained other provisions, was to help curtail […]

Your Home Is Still An Exempt Asset for Medi-Cal Qualification

The home (principal residence) of a Medi-Cal applicant is still not counted as an asset for qualification for Medi-Cal if you take certain steps. In order to qualify the home as an exempt asset, the applicant must confirm in writing that he intends to return to his home after a stay in a nursing home. […]

Financial Durable Powers of Attorney for Baby Boomers and Seniors Can Now Provide for Long Term Care Planning and Asset Protection

Financial Durable Powers of Attorney (Fin. DPA’s) for Baby Boomers and Seniors can provide for asset protection and government benefits planning. The language we use in Fin. DPA’s for long term care planning for baby boomers and seniors is very different from the language we see in the plain vanilla Fin. DPA’s which most people […]

7 Practical Considerations To Take Into Account When Choosing an Assisted Living Facility

Here are 7 Practical Considerations to take into account when you are choosing an assisted living facility, either for yourself or a loved one. We have developed this list  after having first hand experience with assisted living facilities that my father lived in, and after having interacted with our clients regarding these issues over many […]


Many Baby Boomers and seniors are concerned about surviving their retirement years. Many have not been able to save adequately, have suffered losses in the stock market, and do not have pension funds sufficient to meet their future needs. Most are concerned about health care issues, and how their nursing home costs would be paid […]

Peace of Mind Now For Baby Boomers and Seniors Facing Retirement

A big issue now facing Baby Boomers and seniors is, surviving in retirement. We should have our “Ducks In A Row” now regarding health and financial issues, and there are many things we can do.  Most of our clients do not have long term care insurance to pay for a stay in a nursing home. […]

Finding Support For Alzheimer’s Patients:

If you are taking care of a loved one who has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease, you are probably overwhelmed. You of course will need help. At the Law Offices of Michael J. Young in Walnut Creek, CA,, we suggest that our families begin by taking small steps. One of the first steps I […]

Alzheimer’s Is A Family Illness!

Our office represents many families who have a loved one who has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease or another form of dementia. We typically will receive a call from the spouse or child of the person suffering from dementia. The person calling may tell us that their spouse or parent has become forgetful, is not paying […]

Baby Boomers Predict The Future!

Baby Boomers Predict The Future! Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to predict the future for us Baby Boomers, and start planning for it! But we do know certain things about our future …  On average, 10,000 people are turning age 65 every day. It is predicted that at least 70% of people over […]