Author Archives: Walnut Creek Elder Law

Caring for the Vulnerable in the COVID-19 Pandemic

Senior Man COVID-19 Risk

Experts agree that “older adults” face the highest risk of infection and death relative to the coronavirus pandemic. But just who qualifies as “older?” According to the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), “older” means anyone who is currently 65 years of age or older. In fact, 8 out of 10 COVID-19 associated deaths […]

How to Choose an Assisted-Living Facility for a Loved One with Dementia

Dementia Stages

As an elder law attorney with many clients in assisted living facilities, I have visited many such locations. Over the years, I have discovered the important points to consider when choosing such a facility for someone who suffers from dementia. Dementia requires very specific considerations. So, take the following into account when selecting the facility:

Podcast: For a probate, information and documents Mr. Young will need to get started

For a probate, what information and documents will Mr. Young need to get started To start a probate, and in order to prepare for our first meeting, Mr. Young will need certain information and documents. Listen to this episode to get started.