Category Archives: Walnut Creek Elder Law

Watch Out For This Scam Regarding Recorded Deeds

As part of our estate and long-term care planning practice, we regularly prepare deeds for our clients. These deeds can for instance transfer real property into or out of trusts, or between individuals. We send the executed and acknowledged deeds to the recorder’s office along with the required preliminary change of ownership reports. Thereafter, within […]

Our Estate Plans Change As We Age

Most people I meet have a basic estate plan that is designed for younger people. The plan typically consists of a revocable living trust, pour over wills, financial durable powers of attorney, and health care directives. These plans were typically designed some years ago. The emphasis on that planning was to ensure that if the […]

Alzheimer’s Disease – The 10 Warning Signs

Every 70 seconds someone is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. The Alzheimer’s Association has a list of the 10 warning signs of Alzheimer’s disease, as follows: Memory changes that disrupt daily life. Challenges in planning or solving problems. Difficulty completing familiar tasks at home, at work or at leisure. Confusion with time or place. Trouble understanding […]

Don’t Be A Victim Of Fraud and Financial Abuse

A 2013 study published by the MetLife Mature Market Institute estimated that elders are defrauded of approximately $2.9 billion dollars annually. The reason for this seems to be that older people are too trusting of strangers. My own father, who was in sales his entire life, was too easily talked into buying things he did […]

You Can Self-Insure For Your Long Term Care

Through our elder law firm, you can explore the possibility of self-insuring for your long term care, using what are referred to as “legacy assets.” Your portfolio may contain assets that you are not presently relying upon for your support, and that you keeping for a “rainy day.”  In the back of your mind, the […]

Medi-Cal Gifting Language For Your Revocable Living Trust by Michael J. Young Elder Law Attorney

Most revocable living trusts do not have the required asset protection and gifting language for Medi-Cal qualification which is needed if the maker of the trust becomes mentally incapacitated. Click below to see Walnut Creek elder law attorney Michael J. Young explains more below about the specialized language. Walnut Creek Elder Law Attorney Michel J. […]

Medi-Cal Qualification and the Home – Contra Costa Elder Law Attorney Michael J. Young

Click here to watch a video of  elder law attorney Michael J. Young of Walnut Creek, CA talk about Medi-Cal qualification and the home. Medi-Cal Qualification and the Home You can have a home and qualify for Medi-Cal. You can also take steps to protect your home from a Medi-Cal lien.

Elder Law Attorney Michael J. Young discusses life insurance as it pertains to Medi-Cal and long term care planning

Click here to watch elder Law Attorney Michael J. Young discuss life insurance as it pertains to Medi-Cal qualification and long term care planning There are several things you should know with regard to life insurance and qualification for Medi-Cal. In addition, there are long term care opportunities using life insurance policies. Click above to […]

Medi-Cal, Capital Gains and the Home

In previous blogs, we have discussed how we can establish the home as an “exempt asset” for qualification for Medi-Cal. Your elder law attorney can help you take the steps necessary to exempt your home and help you qualify for Medi-Cal. However, if your home is in your estate when you pass away after having […]

Medi-Cal Gifting Rules for a Single Person

Click the link below to find out about the Medi-Cal gifting rules for a single person.  Medi-Cal presently has a 30 month look-back period for gifting. The period of ineligibility starts when the gift is made. When the Deficit Reduction Act (DRA) rules are adopted in California, there will be a five year look back […]